Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Little Sydney

The last three weeks have been a blur. We are so in love with baby Syd.
one week old
She's not a startled as seems in the picture above, actually a lot of the time she looks like this
the day we brought her home from the hospital

 No, that's not true. She is such a doll!

with her Lita
with her cousin Nathan, still at the hospital
And her sis adores her! Lily can't wait to get out of bed in the morning to see her little sis. "Bay-bie!" is what she calls her (sounds like baby with a Georgia accent). She gives her lots of kisses and gentle pats. She wants to hold her and play with her soooo badly. She tells her things about her day. When she came home from her Little Gym class after Syd was born, she ran to the bouncy seat to show Sydney her stamps from class and "chatted" about them to her. 
first few minutes home with the family
Sydney is a sweet baby! She is a good sleeper, but a hungry girl! She wakes up at night to eat, but will fall right back asleep. She loves to be held and prefers to sleep on me or her dad then in her cradle, crib, or pack-n-play. We are currently co-sleeping with her but transitioning her to the pack-n-play in our room as much as possible at night. (We had her in the cradle first, but she does not seem to appreciate that)

She is pretty laid back, doesn't cry unless she is hungry or needs a diaper change. She doesn't mind when he sister tries to wave her hands or pulls her feet. 

She's very strong. She is holding her head up and is a vigorous eater!

She looks soooo much like her sister. It's going to be hard to tell their baby pictures apart. She has her daddy's feet, her mama's chin, and her sister's nose. (We have no idea where Lily's button nose comes from)

She started cooing a bit this week, and she is more alert in the morning. 

I've enjoyed every moment with my two girls, and hope to get back to blogging regularly soon... that and sleeping... 

Best, M

1 comment:

Nicole said...

She is adorable! I love how both your girls have so much hair!

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