Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's not any fun unless you're healthy

Time to get back to it. I'm ready to drop these baby lbs. I started the quest for my skinnier/healthier self yesterday with Day 1 Week 1 of Couch25K. I laced up the Nikes, plopped Lily in the jogging stroller and away we went. Nothing like running for the first time in 6 months in 100 degree heat. Ah life in South Texas. But I've got 10+ pounds to lose and the sooner I start the sooner I can start getting back into my favorite duds and buy all those cute new clothes for the Fall in my regular size...or maybe a bit smaller! In college i used to say it wasn't any fun unless i was skinny. Thats when i had endless hours to work out and i could survive on Subway Veggies Delights for every meal. Now, life has changed and so have my priorities. Now being thin is a great side effect of being a healthier person along with having more energy for my girls and setting a good example for them as well as feeling better mentally and emotionally. Breastfeeding mamas are advised to only lose a pound a week so I'll hit my goal around October. I've contemplated sharing my numbers on the blog for accountability sake but I feel like that might be counterproductive for me. I tend to stress over the number on the scale anyway and this time it's more about the journey than anything else, making healthy choices everyday and reinstating them into my routine. If my number drops great, but if I like the way I feel and look, well I'll consider that victory. Here's the plan: C25K for 9 weeks (which means running three times a week). This week I'm also doing one day of Jillian Micael's 30 day shred. Also starting to pay attention to my calorie intake and logging what I normally eat on a food journal app. Just getting my feet wet... What did you or do you plan to do to get healthier?

1 comment:

Aura said...

Good for you, girl. Being physically and mentally strong and confident is a great example to set when you're a Mama of two little girls.

I think you mentioned taking yoga classes when you were pregnant? If so, I say keep that up. I do yoga at home, because I can never find the time to get out of the house and away from E for that long.
Yoga has completely changed my body for the better. I've never been more confident, even 3 months after having a body! I realized by doing it that I am more interested in being toned and strong than I am just being skinny.

That combined with eating well, (multiple small meals through the day) a twice a week bike ride, and marathon breastfeeding (500 calories burned a day!) have been my secrets.
I gained 32 when I was pregnant, and only have 5 to go. But honestly, I love where I am now and would like to keep those 5 if I can.

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